Ankündigung einer neuen fortlaufenden Meditationsgruppe


Arlene Moore und Ulrike Greenway möchten gemeinsam ein neues Format anbieten, das aus ihrer langjährigen Freundschaft und ihrem intensiven Austausch heraus entstanden ist.

Es soll gleichermaßen den Bedürfnissen nach Stille, Meditation und Selbsterfahrung Rechnung tragen, sowie dem Austausch in der Gruppe.

Ulrike wird jeweils kurze Lehrinhalte aus dem Buddhismus vorstellen und Arlene wird dazu passend körperorientierte Übungen anbieten (Insight Dialogue).

Arlene und Ulrike versprechen sich von diesem neuen Ansatz erfrischende Erfahrungen und möchten alle Interessierten herzlich dazu einladen. 

Ein wichtiges Anliegen von ihnen ist auch die Vereinbarkeit von Alltag mit Arbeit und Familie und spiritueller Praxis.

Die Treffen werden in einem dreiwöchigen Abstand stattfinden.


Beginn: 28.04.1018

Zeit:      14:00 bis 17:30 Uhr

Ort:  Kapellenweg 14, 69493 Hirschberg/Leutershausen

Kosten: auf Spendenbasis, empfohlener Beitrag 25.- bis


Anmeldung: Arlene Moore

Tele: 06201 54012





 Personal and Spiritual Development Evenings


With Arlene Moore 


Once a month I am offering an evening with a theme for spiritual development.  You will not have to commit to coming every time.  We will be doing meditation, personal and spiritual inner work and sharing with others through inquiry and other exercises.

The group will meet every third Wednesday of the month and begin at 7 p.m.

It will cost 20 Euro’s per evening.

I will be speaking and leading meditations in English, so you must understand me, but you don’t need to speak English, as I understand German and when you speak or do exercises with other people, you can speak whatever language is better for you.


Schedule for meetings:  2020


January 15

February 12

March 11

April 29

May 20

June 17


Let me know if you plan to come or have a question.

E mail:

Telephone: 06201 54012



The Heart That Awakes


We all know times when our heart was awake.  When we felt love for someone, a child, a pet, a friend or partner.  At those times our personality went into the background.  We also know times when our heart was closed.  When we were absorbed in ourselves, stuck in our personality, our ego, our Enneagram type our limiting beliefs about ourselves.  It is natural to have a personality type. We need to get along in the world. 


As a child we have needs to be understood, to be seen, to feel we are loved for our being, to be OK as we are.  Parents don’t need to be perfect, but “good enough” to give the child the feeling he is loved, seen, understood, seen for who he really is.  No one gets all his needs met, and we all develop a personality type.  When our essence is not mirrored and recognized we develop strategies to protect ourselves and beliefs about ourselves, that become our personality type.  We shut down parts of ourselves.  Some feelings our OK, others not.  We get stuck in our limiting beliefs, like, “I’m not good enough” or “I’m not lovable”. 


So how do we wake up from the trance of being in our personality?  How can we love ourselves into freedom.  Not loving our personality, which we think of as ourselves, but the aliveness that is here, in whatever form it comes.  Unconditionally and lovingly.  Therapy can help.  We can learn to come in touch with our feelings and our body sensations. We can examine our beliefs and realize that these were decisions we made as children about ourselves and perhaps feel real, but are not true.  Spiritual development also has to do with getting in touch with feelings and body sensations and to be able to contain them, not act them out.  We can train our inner observer to recognize when we are in our personality and not our real self.  We can notice how our thoughts keep us in our personality and our limited sense of self.  We can learn to drop our thoughts and come into our body, opening our heart, becoming aware of our feelings and sensations and finally merging with our awareness and awakening to who we really are, to the stillness that is always there but covered up, like the sun that shines always but is covered with clouds, we can learn to drop the clouds of personality and experience our essence that was always there. 



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© Arlene Moore